LGCCA are working in partnership with ASHOG in order to begin a community garden on the outskirts of Anse-a-Galets. We have leased the land long-term. The garden will provide food for the Poor House, Children’s Home and the workers on the land. We hope this is only the first of several such projects on the island. Existing gardens in the mountains are very successful but the land closer to sea level is more challenging.
So far we have cleared the land of brush and had the survey done. We are now getting estimates for enclosing the land – with a wall, fence or by planting cacti as a barrier. Our Permaculture friends at AAE are nurturing some mango trees for us and we are buying some fruit trees from the mainland.
Jean Rony Toussaint who is the President of ASHOG is attending a Permaculture course in Belize February 2015. Ailsa Young who is the President of LGCCA will be attending a similar course on La Gonave Island in February.
The soil on the land is poor so it is very important for us to use Permaculture principles to improve the soil, and this will also help with the water shortage issue. The is no water supply on the land, we hope that it will not be necessary to drill for water on the land.